Michaela V. - Babysitting

  • 31 years
  • 6+ years of experience
  • 240.00 - 475.00 Kč/hour
    100% response rate to messages, 14 days average response time
Slovak language
List of locations where he/she works
Jihomoravský kraj, Blansko, Brno, Břeclav, Slavkov u Brna
Age of children
0 - 1 year; 1 - 3 years; 3 - 6 years; 6 - 10 years; 10 years and more
Maximum number of children
Tolerates pets
Provides social services under Act No. 448/2008
Experience description
Mám veľmi rada deti a rada sa aj o ne starám. Medzi moje záľuby patria umelecké aktivity,prechádzka v prírode,výlety na rôzne miesta.Už pár rokov chodím do táborov ako vedúca, strážila som deti a tiež aj pracovala v materskom centre. Prvou mojou prácu na tpp bola opatrovateľka v Dennom centre pre deti s viacnásobným postihnutím.
Frequency of babysitting
  • regularly in the afternoons and evenings
Place of babysitting
  • in the place of the household residence seeking a helper
Provides the following services beside babysitting
  • cooking, baking
  • serving meals
  • putting children to bed
  • walks and playground supervision
  • help with homework
  • taking kids to freetime activities and trainings
  • driving the kids in a car
  • cleaning the child's bedroom
  • cleaning the kitchen
  • grocery shopping
Additional skills
  • art and crafts
  • creative approach to children
Availability calendar
  Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat Sun
6 - 10
10 - 14
14 - 18
18 - 22
22 - 6