Senior or Disabled caregivers: Ústí nad Labem 1

A caregiver who takes care of a senior - grandpa, grandma, disabled or an otherwise suffering family member is fully at your disposal for assistance with nursing or palliative care at home. Choose from our list and contact a caregiver, a personal or a work assistant according to your requirements.: Ústí nad Labem, under 1 year experience, 1 - 2 visits per week, with a profile picture

Become a caregiver See job ads
  • Barbora Š.
    • 32 years
    • 1 year of experience
    250.00 - 300.00 Kč/hour
    Pracovala som ako osobná asistentka s pánom s ALS viac ako 1 a pol roka. Mám skúsenosti s kŕmením cez PEG, polohovaním, presunom pomocou zdvíhacieho zariadenia, pomocou s osobnou hygienou. Taktiež s výmenou...