Helpers: Neratovice, watering the plants in the house 2

A helping hand is always needed for cleaning, washing, ironing, maintaining your garden or house, but also for walking your dog or taking care of your cat. Just choose from our list and contact a helping hand according to your requirements.: Neratovice, only company profiles, watering the plants in the house, social, health, educational premises

Become a helper See job ads
  • Key for Life s.r.o.
    • years of operation: 2
    200.00 - 210.00 Kč/hour COMPANY
    Jsme malá rodinná firma zabývající se úklidovými službami pro firmy a domácnosti. Dále provozujeme pomoc malým firmám a živnostníkům s administrativní agendou.
  • Fibl home s.r.o.
    • years of operation: 10
    150.00 - 200.00 Kč/hour COMPANY
    Jsme parta slusnych maminek, samozivitelek, ktere nabidnou sve sluzby pomoci v domacnosti. Uklidime vam kvalitne a spolehlive.