Handyman: Austria, computers, cell phones, tablets service, repair 1

A man of all works who can repair, maison, assembly, install, manufacture, relocate, wall paint or reconstruct is always wanted. Just choose from our list and contact a handyman according to your requirements.: Austria, only helper profiles, 6 years experience and above, computers, cell phones, tablets service, repair

Become a handyman See job ads
  • Luboš P.
    • 50 years
    • 6+ years of experience
    250.00 - 350.00 Kč/hour
    Nabízím služby všestranného řemeslného kutila typu hodinový manžel, šikulu pro všechno. Pomocná ruka, která dokáže opravit, vyzdít, namontovat, instalovat, namalovat, nebo rekonstruovat